Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This blog has moved

Please continue to follow me at www.endwellcoaching.com

Be Well,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Session 3: progress

It's hard to believe that this was only our third session together. In just a few short weeks so much progress has been made by everyone. Personally I feel I've grown leaps and bounds and I know for sure that Mastermind is to thank for that. I probably would have gotten to where I am today without Mastermind, but it definitely wouldn't have happened so quickly and I don't think I would feel as confident as I do with the moves that I've made.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Session 2: accountability is key

Over the past 2 weeks I've done a lot of thinking, reading, talking and writing, all as a part of my homework and in preparation for the next session. Accountability is a great motivator! I've been allowing myself to fully live in the question, which has been awesome. But when thinking about narrowing all of this into a succinct challenge statement to present at the second session, I just couldn't pinpoint one.

When it came to my turn around the table, I reported on my progress and then threw the question out the the group as to what my challenge should be. After all, the members of the group are all there to support one another. And it was great! As outsiders looking in they were able to see tangible paths for me to explore and asked questions to delve further into some areas. I left the session feeling much more clear than I was going in and motivated to continue exploring. Without the feeling of accountability I know for sure that I wouldn't be as far along this path as I am today.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Personal Assessment Wheel

The homework assignment from our first session was to complete this Personal Assessment Wheel. An interesting exercise for sure and a good opportunity to reflect on where I'm at and what areas of my life may need some attention. My two lowest scores were in the career and health & well being quadrants. What does your wheel look like?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Session 1: feels like the first day of school

Throughout the next couple of months I'm going to blog about my experience as I embark upon this mastermind journey. Because the conversations are confidential, I'll leave out many details of what is discussed and will instead focus on sharing my insights and ways that this group has influenced my path.

Today was our first session and it felt much like the first day of school. I was excited to see who would be in my class, energized by the possibility of the things to come, and a bit nervous. All of these feelings were quickly replaced by a sense of comfort and ease as soon as we began to connect.

We started out with some housekeeping and introductions. And then masterminding began. The process goes a little something like this. Each person has 15 minutes, during which time they present their challenge to the group and then it's open for discussion. The discussions are much like a mind map, where people build off of others insights, resulting in a conversation that ebs and flows, and is full of interesting nuggets. Specific pieces of advice are given (keeping your desk clean can improve your ability to focus on the tasks at hand). Suggestions are made for how you might approach the situation from a different angle (it’s not just black and white, be open to the grey area). Books are recommended that may help you get where you want to go. And resources are offered up (I'll send you a contact for that or you can borrow that book from my collection). After each person has had their turn, you go back around and everyone commits to what they are going to take away as homework to complete before the next session.

By the end of this first session it felt as though we had become a close-knit team all invested equally in each other’s success. This is going to be an exciting journey, that's for sure. And just like school, now that I've had a taste, I can't wait to get back into the classroom!